Practices worry over Affordable Care Act court outcomes

By Kayla Overbey

Friday, April 20, 2012

  • As the date looms closer for the Supreme Court’s decision on whether to keep or discard Obama’s Affordable Care Act, medical practitioners are considering the possible outcomes. Bob Doherty of reports that practices across the country are worrying over the countless programs created by the ACA that will be invalidated if the law is overturned by the Supreme Court. According to, countless Americans will be worse off than they were before Obama was in office if the act is not sustained.
  • Harvard hosted their first “Sex Week at Harvard,” which helped to eliminate some misconceptions about sex and college students. The week addressed issues in an explicit way which was respectful, instead of embarrassing. According to the website  The Daily Beast, sex weeks are common among colleges and popular with students but some administration members feel that it is too blatant and unnecessary.